How to allocate leaves at the start of the leave calendar year instead of periodic accrual?/How to change the way leaves are accrued for any leave type?

Modified on Tue, 06 Feb 2024 at 03:13 PM

In Keka you can configure leaves to either be accrued Periodically or credit all the leaves at once in a leave calendar year. When you accrue periodically, you can choose to credit leaves monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and anually either at the beginning or at the end.

To change the leave accrual for employees go to Time Attend (1) and select Leave (2). Here move to Leave Plans and select the Leave plan (3) and the Leave Type (4) you want.

Now, please click on Options and go to Settings.

Here under Accrual & Accumulation you will find How are Leave allocated to Employee? and in the drop down select the type of accrual you want.

Hope it is now clear on how you can change the accrual type for leave. Need more help? You can refer to the other articles available or Contact us!

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