Managing Opportunity Settings

Modified on Tue, 12 Mar 2024 at 01:11 PM


In Keka PSA, you have the flexibility to customize opportunity settings to suit your needs. These settings enable you to define the different stages of your opportunities and control user access to opportunity management features. In this section, we will walk you through the process of customizing opportunity stages and managing who can log opportunities.

Customizing Opportunity Stages 

To customize the stages of your opportunities, go to Project (1), and under Policies & Settings (2), open the Opportunity Settings (3) tab.

To update the order of stages or add new ones, access the 'Manage Stages' option. This will open the Update Stages window, allowing you to effortlessly modify the order by dragging the stages. Additionally, you can include new stages by selecting the Add icon.

We can have maximum 10 stages for opportunities and both global and project admins can manage opportunities by default

You can also change the associated color associated with any stage using the colored circle next to the stage name.

The default stages, indicated by the lock icon, cannot be modified or deleted. However, you can still make modifications or delete any unlocked stages.

Managing Opportunities Access 


In Keka PSA, the global admin has default access to log and manage opportunities. However, if you want to restrict the opportunity logging process to a specific individual or designation in your organization, you can create a custom role called Opportunity Logger. This role allows you to tailor the usage of opportunities to your organization's structure and follow best practices.

With the "Opportunity Logger" role, you can customize privileges related to opportunity management, settings, and project conversion. This provides flexibility in granting appropriate access and control over the opportunity feature to designated individuals or teams within your organization.

These privileges can be added to any existing Keka user roles, allowing assigned users to access and manage opportunities effectively.

By customizing the opportunity stages and assigning appropriate access privileges, you can tailor the opportunity management feature in Keka PSA to meet your organization's specific needs and ensure that only authorized users can log and manage opportunities.

Roles and Responsibilities of Opportunity Managers:

Opportunity managers in Keka PSA play a crucial role in effectively managing their assigned opportunities. Their responsibilities encompass various tasks related to opportunity management.

The primary responsibilities of opportunity managers include:

1. Managing Assigned Opportunities: Opportunity managers oversee and handle the opportunities assigned to them. This involves actively monitoring and tracking the progress of each opportunity throughout its lifecycle.

2. Updating Stages and Details: As opportunity managers, they have the authority to update and modify the stages of the opportunities they manage. This ensures that the opportunities accurately reflect their status and progress. Additionally, opportunity managers can make necessary updates to the opportunity details, such as client information, project billing type, estimated revenue, and project duration.

3. Archiving Opportunities: Once an opportunity reaches its conclusion or is no longer relevant, opportunity managers have the responsibility to archive it. Archiving helps organize and declutter the opportunity list, keeping it focused on active and relevant opportunities.

By fulfilling these roles and responsibilities, opportunity managers contribute to the efficient management and successful realization of opportunities within the Keka PSA system.

To create such a role on Keka, go to Global Settings (1) by clicking on the gear icon next to the organization name. Then open the Roles & Permissions (2) section and click on + New Role (3).

The Create New Role window will open up and here first, you have to provide the Name of the role and a Description of the same. 

Now, navigate to the Project Opportunity feature and grant the desired Permissions for this role. Once everything is done, click on Save.

Now you can assign employees to this role as per your requirement. To learn how to do so, check out this article: 

How to update the roles, permissions and scope of an employee on Keka?



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